It is a performance that will bring orders in the future, said Ed Veen, Damen’s representative, at the official ceremony.
First corvette built entirely by Romanian workers, in Romania, was delivered on Thursday to the Pakistan Military Navy in Constanța Port.
It is a patrol vessel that was built in the Damen Naval Shipyard in Galaţi by a Romanian team, which worked for a year and eight months for this project.
It is a performance that will bring orders in the future, said Ed Veen, Damen’s representative, at the official ceremony.
Ed Veen: I can tell you that one of the most impressive ships of the Dutch Navy, the body of this ship, was built in Galați. Now we have made progress and we can build such defense ships completely.
The Corvette delivered today is the first of two identical 2800 tonnes vessels produced in Galați to enter the service of the Pakistani military, RRA correspondent Sorin Cealera said.
Photo: Corveta. Photo source: Damen
Source:RRA.Translated by Miruna Matei
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